Cheap Mantillas
Cheap Mantilla
Ref: 14231700
Elegant Spanish Mantilla black, cream or white, rectangular with flower pattern and rippled edges. Chantilly synthetic fabric.
The Spanish mantilla vail is an exclusive garment for hair which looks is usually accompanied by a hair comb.
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Spanish Mantilla
REF: 14231700 Vail
Elegant black, rectangular shawl with floral motives and ripples on its edges. Synthetic fabric from Chantilly. Also available in white and cream. The Spanish mantilla is a garment for hair, which is accompanied by a comb.
Medium Mantilla: 100x220cm / Big Mantilla: 120x240cm. White mantillas, Black Mantillas, Cream Mantillas and Mantilla combs available for sale in our store. There is no specific date of the origin of the mantilla, it could be a mixture between the first veils and the outerwear. Its evolution in the use of women's clothing is marked by religions or by society. Its use by zones also marked its use both as a garment of shelter in the north, and as an ornamental garment in the south zone. Although the opposite is thought of, the first uses of the mantilla were among the people and not among high society. It is in the seventeenth century when the peak of the mantilla begins to cease to be a coat to be worn with combs and adding lace. Although until the eighteenth century is when high society includes it being this the beginning of the Spanish mantilla, among which we find Queen Elizabeth II (1833-1868), as one of the most fond of its use, custom that soon adopt the women closest to her. The ladies courtesans and high social strata, begin to use this garment in various social events, creating the mantilla as something distinguished, as it has reached our days. Nowadays, the use of the mantilla is very limited, being the center or south zone where the rooting is maintained. And it is of exclusive and exclusive use in certain popular celebrations or in the church or events and ceremony such as weddings or in Holy Week.
How to dress the mantilla
The mantilla has its protocol, with a length appropriate to each person. For the front, you should have a length up to the height of the hands, and for the back, a long few fingers below the height of the hip. It is necessary to avoid the flight in the mantilla, for it must be attached to the dress. A very used trick so that the mantilla has the correct slack is the one of tilting the head to the left side, and to hold the mantilla of the right shoulder and vice versa.
What fabric do I choose?
It has several options depending on the budget and personal taste:
- Blonda
- Chantilly
- Tulle
As for the peineta, we must go for an adequate to our height and that of our partner. In our section of combs you can find the ideal peineta to complement the mantilla, From El Rocio
we want to offer you a wide variety and styles to find and choose the one you like the most. These accessories and many more are available on our website and in our stores in Malaga and Granada. On our website you will find a wide variety of Flamenco Neckline Fringes, flamenco shawls, combs and Mantillas to complete your look.Mantilla
Que medidas tiene la blanca y a es comtrareembolso